

Leather, Cop, Mustache



David458I've been doing some research on mustaches. Actually, I started long ago because some guys look soooo hot with a mustache. But when I put one on David, it looked......wrong, for lack of a better word. It detracted from his face. I meant that face to be clean and angular, so adding a beard or mustache is sort of like gilding the lily. However, I determined that I just had to find the right shape of mustache. I still think he looks best clean shaven, with just a hint of five o'clock shadow, but this mustache looks ok on him I think. This is what I call a modified (young) Burt Reynolds mustache. He also looked good in a wider version, the Tom Selleck, especially with cowboy duds on. And he looked like a real, old fashioned cowboy with an even wider version that tapered a bit at the ends, one I dubbed the Cookie Duster.

The slightest change in the mustache makes a world of difference. Obviously the Adolph Hitler, Charlie Chaplin, Fu Manchu, and Wilford Brimley were not contenders. Anything droopy is out. But it's fun to study the differences.

Hmmm. Zorro could work.