ManOfSteel passed away from pancreatic cancer in June of 2020. He had spent nearly two decades creating 3-D renders of his subject, "David", and posting these images to Here are ManOfSteel's words:
Back in 2002, on a whim, I posted an image of the character I’d been working on to the Main Gallery at To this day, I can’t remember how I found the site, but I was happy to find so many people eagerly fantasizing about their sexuality by way of computer art.
The character I’d been working on was my personal interpretation of a fantasy man one step shy of impossible. Since I had no intention of showing him to anyone, I could exaggerate as much or as little as I wanted to. Although I’d had his images in my mind for years, his computerized incarnation was begun in June of 2002 and he was finished (or so I thought) in late August of the same year.
As I browsed through the artwork on Renderotica during those first few days, I thought he looked just as good, if not better, than some of the figures already there. I must be honest. When I posted that first image, I wanted validation. I wanted someone to say, “Wow!” I wanted someone to give me a rating of “10”. I only intended to post a few images, so I didn’t even bother to give them titles, but I thought I’d give the artists and viewers a brief glimpse of him and then take him back as my own and begin all kinds of private fantasies.
But one of the very first comments on the first image was “That face!” Of course, the body got rave reviews too, and I found that there were more than a few eager viewers, so I began to illustrate whatever came to mind and posted the images online to share with others. If you had told me six years ago that the first image was the first of hundreds, or that people from all over the world would be watching for the next image, or that David would have a fan club with 1,700 members, I would have laughed.
So it was a great shock for artists and viewers alike to find that one day 50.000 images in the Main Gallery had been archived as an emergency measure to lessen the query load on Renderotica’s systems, and within that purge was the entire set of free David images…more than 100. Originally, the images to be restored at a later date, but other projects and more sophisticated web site software soon to be implemented meant that the chances for restoration of the images grew fainter and fainter. So with the site owner’s permission and encouragement, I’ve assembled the first 127 images from the Main Gallery. You’ll notice that they go in numerical order up to a certain point. From that point, the “missing” numbers are in the Rederotica’s Premier Gallery. [Note: ALL of these images are included in this repository. For more information see David 400. —Archive Site Webmaster.]
Here then, finally, are the archived Main Gallery images of David, complete with all the stories, the first appearances of characters like Al, Bruce, and Brad, and my growing skill with the software as evidenced by the evolution of David’s face and physique into what it is today.
Best Regards,
Over the years, ManOfSteel produced over 700 renders of David (and "friends"). David was beloved by countless people, not simply because he was over-the-top handsome and muscular, but because his author and designer, ManOfSteel, was creative, visionary, well-read, humorous (sometimes downright hilarious), frequently unorthodox, and simply—a gifted artist. (As you peruse the images, pay attention to the shading, background, composition, facial expressions, and especially the lighting. MOS' attention to detail was extraordinary.) We often found David in titillating and exciting situations that appealed to so many emotions and desires—especially the desires of those of us who "suffer" from the condition sthenolagnia.
ManOfSteel died way too young. When he passed, he left us with an unfillable void. His loss to the gay community, and especially the gay erotic art community, is profound. Personally, I believe that ManOfSteel's art deserves to be recognized alongside the works of Tom of Finland, Harry Bush (one of MOS' favorite artists), and others. ManOfSteel's work was singular.
Because of my great love (infatuation? obsession?) of David, I had, over the years, downloaded every one of ManOfSteel's David renders. When MOS died, I knew what I had to do.
This site is intended as an homage to ManOfSteel—a permanent repository of his work. It is my intention to maintain this Internet archive as long as is humanly possible. I believe ManOfSteel's work is that important. (I am looking into a way to finance this site so it can be hosted in perpetuity; if you have ideas, please contact me.)
When ManOfSteel posted his David images on Renderotica, he always included a description—or at least a brief, "Enjoy!" Usually these were short, simple messages that hinted at the picture's composition—the situation in which David found himself. ManOfSteel's comical (and sometimes subtle) sense of humor was clearly seen in many of these descriptions. Occasionally, the words that accompanied the renders were in-depth narrations; sometimes they were lengthy stories. In a number of instances, we were fortunate to find these stories tied together as a series, which the explanations linked in chapter form.
I have endeavored to include all of these accounts—the original words of MOS—with each render. There are only a handful of images for which I was not able to save ManOfSteel's accompanying words. (These omissions do not include any of the series, only a few of the shorter descriptions.) All of the words that are included with each post (as well as the descriptions/stories on the "MORE" pages) are those of MOS. I have, however, included some words of my own [in brackets]; they are intended to inform and assist the Curious Web Surfer.
At the bottom of the GALLERY menu (it will appear on the left side of each page once you click the ENTER link below), you will note links to EXTRAS, and an INDEX/SEARCH page. These EXTRAS include more thoughts by Yours Truly (I was blessed to actually meet ManOfSteel in person a few years ago), as well as links to topical galleries and other goodies (MOS has a CafePress page!). This entire site is searchable by clicking on the INDEX/SEARCH link (again, once you're inside); further instructions are included there.
In addition to posting images of David to Renderotica, ManOfSteel also built his own website: As of summer 2021 the site is still up, but only parts of it are functioning. (This archive site uses the logo ManOfSteel created for his .com site.) When MOS passed, I was fortunate to obtain the URL: (This site). So here, in memory of the amazingly talented ManOfSteel, please enjoy DAVID, THE BLUE-EYED BEAST.
Sean Reid Scott
June, 2021