David is serving as a source of inspiration (and cover model) for Sean Scott's latest e-book. Tentavely titled "The Terrace", it will be available at Amazon.com.
Check out Sean's newest site at [MuscleStimulus.com].
[Self-promoting note from the site curator: I changed the title of the book MOS references here to "Sounds in the Night". It's available for your Kindle at Amazon.com. Clickage on THIS LINK will land you the right page. This was the first time (but certainly not the last) I used David as the inspiration and cover model for one of my books. With his permission/blessing of course. I actually think this book was kinda good. If you want to read a really bad book I wrote (with MOS' original David renders to compliment) click HERE {Link to David 685 cover coming soon.}. End self-promo. :) ].