

Construction, Wife Beater





It's so hard to make clothes fit David, yet it has to be an ongoing quest simply because I think guys can sometimes look sexier in clothes. Just to give you an idea, his jeans were relatively easy to adapt because they were made for the figure that David's made from. I still had to do something special to them because the creator never dreamed they'd need to fit anyone so muscular. I think tight wife-beater tank tops are sooo sexy on a muscular guy so I've spent years trying to adapt one and finally did it even though this one was made for a younger male figure.

But gloves have been driving me crazy for years. There are helper programs that can make clothing for one figure fit onto another figure, but those programs don't do gloves. But I finally hit upon a technique to make a pair fit and follow along with David as he moves from pose to pose.

When I was a teenager, I was kind of morbidly fascinated by the singing group The Village People. True, they were proudly gay and in touch with masculine stereotypes, but the Indian was kind of skinny, the cowboy was no Marlborough Man, I wasn't sure why a cop was in the bunch, and I was completely at a loss as to what the leather guy was supposed to be.

But the construction worker! Oh how I had a crush on him. He had such potential with that unbuttoned shirt and those mirrored aviator style sunglasses. If only he'd been more muscular. But to this day, the construction worker from The Village People, whom I later found out is named David, was probably the beginning of my construction worker fetish.