

Muscle Worship, Al, Chains



“See anything you like?”

“Yes. Everything!”

“You know what’d be fun? If someday I could come over after my workout and take a nice, long, hot bath in your tub.”

Al listened intently.

“And you could soap me up.”


David104“Build up a lot of lather.”


“Wash my back.”

“Yes. I want—”

“Oh! I know.”


David pulled his shoulders forward to the extreme. His back was a huge wall of muscle tapering down to a tiny waist and twin globes of a perfect butt. He relaxed, his arms to his sides, but his shoulders wide and his back flared. “I’d like to come over, find a nice glass of wine waiting for me by a tub full of hot water and suds, and you waiting there without a stitch of clothing on.”

“I would do that. I would totally do that!”

“You could undress me.”


“I’d get in the tub.”


“And while I sipped my wine, you could slowly wash every square inch of me.”

OHhhhh David please let’s do it now!”

“We could make a game of it.”

“Yes. Anything.”

“After I finish my wine, you could soap my chest.”

Al bit his lower lip. The palms of his hands tingled.

“And when I say ‘soap’, I don’t mean fast.”

Al’s mouth was open. His eyes closed. His mind’s eye reeled.

“I mean slowly. You know. Real soft. And for a long time.”

Al teetered on his knees. Startled, his eyes flew open. He whimpered.

“After a glass of wine or two, and with some chest stroking, I bet I could fall asleep.”

Al cursed the chains. And yet, at this point, he mused that they were all that was keeping him from leaping up and ravishing David.

“Boy, that’d be nice.”

Al closed his eyes again, gritted his teeth, and told himself that eventually, this must end.

“I’ve always wanted to fall asleep while my chest was being stroked.”

His hands were claws. It was a good thing they were in chains.

“And in a nice warm bath…you’d massage my hands. My feet. My toes.”

Unfortunately, with his eyes closed, the image of him sudsing those huge feet stood out starkly against the darkness of his fevered mind. He didn’t have a foot fetish, but David’s big feet were perfect. Everything about him was perfect. His fingernails were perfect. His teeth were perfect. Massaging his toes would be like a religious experience.

“And if I fell asleep, why you could just stare at me and touch me all you wanted to and I wouldn’t be able to say a thing now would I?”

Gently run my hands all over your wet sweet smelling soap slippery muscled hairy…

“Well now that would be nice.”

…huge pecs thighs gorgeous face giant stud hold that cock in my hands slip my hands underneath your…

“And if you could make me fall asleep, and I don’t think it’d be hard, no pun intended…”

…hold that hard cock get in the tub with you hot and wet and soapy and ride your slippery…

“…well then I think you’d deserve a prize. Something you’d want to do. A treat.”

…hot water and suds washing all over us licking clean wet skin sucking licking tasting everything…

“Would you like that, Al?”

…clutching slippery buttocks…


…making you moan for a change…



David sighed. “Were you even paying attention to—”

“YES! YES! Yes I was paying attention! Please! Let’s do it now!!!!”

“Well…I thought it’d be nice to do it after a workout. And the glass of wine would—”

“I will stomp on some fucking grapes for you! Just let me touch you!”