

God, Greco-Roman, Loincloth, Mars



ARCHEON is hard at work on yet another David "mini-movie", and someone in the David Fan Club suggested that "Mars" from Gustav Holst's "The Planets" might be a great musical backdrop to a video showing David in his more intimidating roles. That reminded me of a set of images I set out to do at the very beginning of my work here at Renderotica...David as gods from classical mythology. Those of you lucky enough to have copies of the earliest works have him as Helios and Poseidon, though I think I'd like to do those again.


David355Here he is as Mars, the Roman god of war. Can't you just see all the straps hanging from his balteus swinging back and forth between those tree trunk thighs, barely covering the mighty weapon underneath, as he strides toward you, sweaty and breathing hard, to take you prisoner? Can't you just hear the music of all those little metal plates, jangling to the rhythm of those powerful hips? Maybe he won't kill you. Maybe he'll just demand that you worship him. Or, since you are a "spoil" of war, maybe he'll use you for his pleasure.